What We Do
Wireless Networks (WiFi)

The demand for robust and effective wireless networks is increasing at an exponential rate. Whilst this is excellent news, it brings its own challenges.

If a wireless network is poorly designed and poorly delivered, the user experience will be poor and the integrity of the event can be compromised.

Pylon One are regularly asked to design and deliver enterprise grade, site wide, robust wireless infrastructures for high profile temporary events that need to cater for many thousands of concurrent users/devices.

We are acutely aware of the importance of designing a wireless network to meet the specific needs of an event, taking into account elements such as the venue, the audience and the expected bandwidth requirements. Using industry-standard tools we can model the predicted performance of the network to make sure it meets all of the technical requirements and then install the network in the knowledge that it will meet the needs of the event.

Whilst we favour two of the world's leading vendors of wireless architecture, we remain manufacturer agnostic, therefore ensuring that we give ourselves the luxury of considering each wireless requirement on its merits and providing the best fit for all parties.

Wireless Planning & Design

Accurate and detailed planning is a critical component of any wireless network deployment, this is even more true as network size and complexity increase on large projects where complex and demanding requirements mean accurate modelling of the network is mandatory.

We are fortunate that many excellent tools can be used to aid us in this task and one of the most exciting to emerge recently is Hamina Wireless.

These tools which provide invaluable information in the planning and design phases can also, in the wrong hands, lead to situations where the network modelling and design may not deliver the expected performance or capabilities, and as such, formal training in the use of tools such as Hamina is also an essential part of integrating them into our workflow.

Whilst attending the Wireless LAN Professionals (WLPC) conference in Phoenix this month our Senior Network Architect, Will Jones took part in the first public training and qualification course for the Hamina Certified Network Architect (HCNA) becoming one of the first engineers to attain this certification worldwide.

Will also achieved the status of “Ekahau Certified Master" in 2018

Will commented, "Hamina has become my go-to tool for planning large and complex wireless networks having worked with it since they began private testing in 2022, coupled with the training that I undertook in Phoenix, this has helped me gain an even greater understanding of how Hamina works under the hood and how to make the most of its incredibly powerful and exciting capabilities. We will certainly be looking to have more of our engineers trained on its use going forward."

Let's Talk
We would love to help you with your next challenge
Pylon One
Unit 16, Vantage 41
Timber Yard Close
Aston Clinton
HP22 0AY