What We Do

Pylon One enjoys relationships with many tier one ISPs, with presence in many prime locations around the UK and the world. Detailed below are some of the options available to the events industry.

KubeCon Europe Plenary 2024

Leased line connectivity

Where there is a stated requirement for a reliable, uncontended, synchronous, high speed internet connection we would always consider a leased line via fibre in the first instance.

Pylon One work with many partners and have great experience working alongside most of the UK's major venues and sites.

Our experience and partners allow us to commission these lines in the tight leads times typical with events, great for pop-up activations and outdoor broadcasts.

KubeCon Europe Plenary 2024

High Speed Point to Point

For situations where high speed connectivity is required and the lead times are too long for the traditional cabled services, then a wireless "Point to Point" solution could be the answer.

Pylon One has relationships with a number of such providers.

We are able to deliver multi-gigabit speeds, both download and upload, although this is dependent on location and requires a clear line of sight. Therefore, this type of provision would be subject to site survey.

As part of our core network, Pylon One also employs this technology to backhaul hundreds of communications links for cameras and Wi-Fi access points across large footprints.

Read the case study
KubeCon Europe Plenary 2024

Bonded satellite and Cellular

Pylon One have great experience working with clients that require robust connectivity in rural locations, or with many remote locations for a large event footprint.

Sometimes these locations require any existing or non-existing bandwidth to be supplemented with a mixture of 4G and 5G cellular broadband or satelitte connectivity and even Starlink services.

To ensure stability, we bond a mixture of diverse connections for these locations and can tunnel remote locations into the same network, great for comms, streaming and CCTV.

Let's Talk
We would love to help you with your next challenge
Pylon One
Unit 16, Vantage 41
Timber Yard Close
Aston Clinton
HP22 0AY